Saturday, January 16, 2010

the in-between times

Ah the fickle muse.
What have I made in the past few months? Well, there were those Bible-book-bags in October; and the workshop with the Confirmation kids, making their stoles. Over Christmas break I prepped a quilt-block project for my son's kindergarten class which includes fusible iron-together blocks and worksheets on contrast (a family project for the kids, this, but when we're all done the blocks will be tied together to form a large quilt. Later we'll untie them, and the kids will bring their blocks home.) In and around these little projects I've done some work on the birdnests/moonlight piece; but I'm stalled out again on that one, wondering what the central focal point should ultimately become. Stacked with two other art-quilts-in-progress, here in the sewing room, while books and mail pile up on the sewing table. Hmm.

Work has been a major distraction. The job. And a desire for more sleep to offset some stress. But it's all still percolating slowly, deep inside, and by keeping my hand in I know my time will come again. Wrapped up the year of book arts round-robin and haven't started a new altered book yet...trickle trickle trickle, the modest watering of my creative landscape by my fickle muse. What happens next?

At some point this year, it appears I'll have to opportunity to establish an artspace for the community in the brand new community center my church is preparing to build. But that will happen in the context of many other changes, and much work. Where will the energy come from?


Sandie said...

If it is what you are called to do the energy will come, as long as you believe. Good luck!

Jennifer S. said...

Thanks SandieO. :-) I'm sure you're right.